Pat’s Chat
A great favourite down the years, our annual Pat’s Chat magazines were synonymous with our school. Each year our senior classes, their teachers, SNAs and our school secretary worked together to create our famous ‘Pat’s Chat Magazine’.
Every class in the school created their ‘Class Profile’ for the magazine, class photos were taken and each child in the school contributed a piece of work.
Photos were gathered of all events throughout the year (and there were many)! Crosswords, word searches, jokes, games and riddles were created for the reader’s enjoyment.
Finally the children in the Senior Classes visited local businesses and sought funding for the printing of our magazine. We always found that our neighbouring businesses were only too happy to help. Many had attended the school in the past and wanted to give back to their alma mater.
Orders were taken, printing took place and magazines were distributed in June.
Being able to look back over all the fabulous events, work, activities and achievements accomplished throughout the year was one of the highlights of our school year.
Our last edition was published in 2019. With the advent of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic, our Pat’s Chat magazine was discontinued. However, our monthly newsletters (in which each class has their own page) keep our school community right up to date on all the events in our school.